Watch As A Woman Gets Shot After Stabbing San Diego Police Officer In The Chest With Large Kitchen Knife

Right off the bat, I’m thinking that this woman had severe psychiatric problems, when she was served with an eviction notice by the original officer, she was screaming almost incoherently and brandishing a large kitchen knife, sane people don’t do that.
There is no reason that I could ascertain from the original report as to why she was so over-the-top crazy, unless she was upset over receiving an eviction notice. Apparently earlier, the woman threatened a maintenance worker in the building with a knife, but that is not why the police were there to begin with.
Whatever the case, this started an entire chain of events that ended with her being shot by the police. Even though she had a knife, the police are trained to handle this as a deadly threat and it is obvious from footage in the video that the police asked her several times to put the knife down, which she refused to do, as this only seemed to agitate her even more.
Male, or female, when you threaten the police with any kind of weapon, if you don’t follow their commands, there is only one way this ends.
Here is a written description of what you will see and hear in the video below:
San Diego, California — At 12:38 p.m. on March 3, 2022, the San Diego Police Department received a request for “urgent cover” from the San Diego Sheriff’s Department at a residence in the 400 block of West Beech Street. Deputies from the Court Services Unit had gone to a residence at that location to serve civil process paperwork on a female resident.
When they contacted the woman, she was uncooperative and was holding a knife. The woman eventually closed the door and the deputies requested assistance. While the deputies were waiting for additional resources, an employee in the building told them the same woman threatened a maintenance worker with a knife the previous day.
The deputies attempted to communicate with the woman for approximately forty-five minutes but were unable to gain her cooperation. When the appropriate resources were gathered, a plan was developed, and the front door was opened to contact the woman.
During that contact, a San Diego Police Canine Handler was stabbed in the chest with a large chef’s knife by the woman, prompting an officer-involved shooting. The woman was struck at least once by the gunfire and she died at the scene. Investigators from the San Diego Police Department’s Homicide Unit were called to the scene to investigate the incident.
The woman involved in the incident has been identified as 47-year-old Yan Li of San Diego. The San Diego Police Officer who was stabbed in the chest has fortunately been treated and released from UCSD Medical Center.
*Due to the graphic content of the video, you will have to sign-in to YouTube to verify your age before watching. And I should also stress, that the footage in the video is extremely graphic in nature.
H/T -PoliceActivity