So Now They Want A “Bullet Registry” The Left Will Stop At Nothing To Take Your God Given Rights Away

I have to say, that there is nothing that the left will stop at to take away our God given rights, it’s equivalent to an “obsession” with them.
It’s bad enough when they demand that you get vaccinated against your will, or that you have to jump through hoops to simply buy a gun, now they have found a new source to focus on- bullets.
It seems they just now came to realize that bullets are “bad” and so it makes sense to either make it harder for law abiding citizens to buy said bullets, but now there are some that are calling to create a “registry” when you do buy them.
Oh, you think I’m exaggerating…then check this out from USA Today:
After a mass shooting, public attention inevitably turns to a debate on the control of guns. But with shooters so often stocked up on ammunition to kill as many as possible, many are left to wonder: What about the bullets?
“Ammunition plays a large role in mass shootings, and ammunition has been historically less regulated than firearms themselves,” said New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin, a Democrat who oversees a newly established office designed to sue gun and ammunition manufacturers when their products cause harm.
It’s remarkably easy for anyone to obtain large quantities of ammunition, said Ari Freilich, state policy director at the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, led by former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who survived a mass shooting in 2011.
In most places in the country, people can go online and have hundreds or thousands of bullets delivered to their door “as if ordering a pizza,” he said.
California’s ammunition regulations are some of the most comprehensive, Freilich said, noting the requirement that a background check be completed at the point of sale and that ammunition can’t be ordered online and shipped to your door; it can be picked up from an authorized dealer that must perform the background check.
“Restricting large-capacity magazines is one of the single most effective things we could do to reduce the shooter’s capacity to turn shootings into mass murders,” Freilich said.
Proponents say lower capacities on magazines would force an attacker to stop to reload a weapon sooner and more often, providing more opportunity for people to either subdue the shooter or escape. Freilich noted that when Giffords was shot, bystanders used an opportune moment when the shooter was reloading his weapon to subdue him and end the attack.
It’s a restriction favored by most of the American public. A Gallup poll in June found 55% support banning the sale and possession of magazines with capacities higher than 10 rounds, 44% oppose it and 1% had no opinion.
The Giffords group and other gun regulation advocates also propose that ammunition sellers be required to maintain records of their sales and make the information available to law enforcement, as New Jersey will soon enact.
Data collection and reporting of large sales to state police, along with other measures such as behavioral threat assessments, will help law enforcement to identify bad actors, said Platkin, the New Jersey attorney general. Law-abiding gun owners who purchase ammunition in bulk won’t have anything to worry about, Platkin said.
To read the entire article click HERE.
Now sit back and watch the video. If we give them an inch, they’ll take a mile and we have all seen what just happened in Canada, these lousy leftists want to do the exact same thing here. The goal isn’t to “save lives”, it’s about making you and me helpless and making the government omnipotent. You see, while we have guns, we’re “citizens”, without them we are slaves and that’s exactly what they want.
H/T –