School Cancels Event with Survivor of Islamic Rape Gangs Because She Might Upset a Muslim

A public school district has canceled an event with the survivor of Islamic, ISIS rape gangs because her story might upset local Muslims.
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) says it will no longer host a February event for students with ISIS survivor Madia Mirad to discuss her book “The Last Girl: My Story Of Captivity.”
Murad’s graphic biography reveals how she escaped the Islamic State, where she was ripped from her home and sold into sexual slavery at 14 years of age, according to The Telegraph.
During her events, Murad talks about how she was raped nearly every day by Islamic terrorists.
“This is what the Islamic State means. It is a terrorist organization. It has nothing to do with ordinary Muslims. The Toronto school board should be aware of the difference,” she says, according to the Daily Mail.
But before her talk, superintendent of the Board Helen Fisher announced that Murad says mean things about certain Muslims, so her event has been canceled. Fisher claimed that Murad and her book “promote Islamophobia.”
But Fisher adds that the district’s “inclusion” policies bars the characterization of terrorist as, you know, terrorists.
Leftists are not teaching our children. They are indoctrinating them with anti-western propaganda.
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